astiSCRIPT is a script that I'm(asterix_i) currently writing... the script, as my original idea a few hours ago, was to be just a script where I learn to do mIRC scripting... it still is partially, but I know have aims for this script. I hope to implement the following features into it:
I'm aiming to get at least 40% of this script done during this year...but I don't gurantee anything, so don't come kicking me... I do repeat though, if this script is in somewhat past v0.5i, which will mean that it will have at least a few of the mentioned features, and is stable & bug free (main issue will be this), I will release it for free. I will probably not yet ask for help, unless I really need it... remmeber, this is just a way for me to learn. Until then, I'll keep you posted through this website :-)
Welcome to the
astiSCRIPT website!
Please excuse the lame welcoming message, but I can't think
of anything else to write ;-)